Friday, August 9, 2024

I just don't get it

 JD and his baggage of having changed everything from his name to his choice of religion or non-religious preference, his disdain towards Trump to his now offering of his testicles for Trump, is one more example of the kind of Republican politician and even worse, an individual, who gives no fucks for anyone but himself. He, it seems, is permitted to do as he pleases, make up his own mind, plan his own decisions, but he is adamant that you and I must not be afforded the same freedoms. 

Debating the debate is such absolute bullshit. Once upon a time, back in the days of Civic Classes when high schools held Debate Teams, the rules were simple. You presented your belief on a subject, provided facts, and abided by a set of standards and rules that the panel of judges established. YOU had no say in how long you could speak and or rebut; you were fact-checked, there was no staging of the event, and the convincing of the questions asked was based on truth, not your own personal fiction. I don’t know why these basic tenets of debating are never adhered to. I sadly do know that too often, the Media prioritizes their profits and viewership over the need for real truth.


We all must vote. But somehow, in the end, all we seem to be concerned with is who will vote in the magical, mysterious SWING STATES. In a nation that still tries to hold on to the principles of democracy, the one political office that holds the most weight does not rely on the majority vote of the population. Every other single political office pronounces the winner by the person who maintains the highest popular vote. Oh yeah, and for all of those “standing on ceremony,” citizens, who insist they will not vote, Harris Walz, do they really think that their holier than thou attitudes will provide them with their wishes and hopes if Trump wins?