Sunday, August 18, 2024


 Donald Trump’s state of mind should be under debate

The former president’s pathological lying, incoherence and memory problems should be front and center in the campaign for the White House. (Los Angeles Times)


The Media had a field day, or was it months, trying to define Joe Biden as a failing and flailing kind of older guy, adding to their flummoxing oh so many questions of whether Joe Biden is really the guy we should have as President. Commentary, snide, sinister, always a part of any moment Joe Biden did anything. Perhaps the excuse the Media had in mind was, well, HE IS THE SITTING PRESIDENT, so we can be one-sided on the sarcasm, aka concern.


Amusing is how most of the Media seems to be handling the demented, delusional, incoherent rants and raves provided by TRUMP, almost comical, as they seem to concentrate on TRUMPS newest gaffes as the joke of the day. But HEY, MEDIA, this cognitively impaired loon, might become President, and is it only then that your Editorial Boards, CEO, and Newsroom Editors react? Didn’t you tell us, Media, that you overtly overlooked the manner, the monster, the mayhem created by TRUMP? Didn’t you have a KUMBAYA moment in which you said, “NEVER AGAIN?”


He cannot complete a sentence, his concentration on a topic is almost non-existent, and he repeats himself. His lies have measured into the millions. His Dog Whistles are no longer silent but LOUD AS FUCKIN HELL. Is it asking you too much to become journalists and not just profit seekers, MEDIA?