Friday, August 16, 2024

The Draft Dodger

 Trump says civilian Medal of Freedom is 'much better' than Medal of Honor

Those who receive the Medal of Honor are "either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead," Trump said. (MSNBC)


The Draft Dodger Demented Don has gone on record once AGAIN, diminishing the bravery, the Patriotism, and the lives and deaths of the men and women in the military. The guy who was Commander and Chief and wants to become Commander and Chief once again is busy disparaging, degrading, and disregarding the people for whom his title provides him with direct responsibility.


And JD Vance and his MAGA Enemies of the State are busy dissing Gov Walz regarding his long career in the Military. JD Vance and his MAGA maggots somehow pretend that Demented Donnie’s own words of disgust for the military do not matter.


This is one more new move by the Draft Dodger, which blows the reality sensors in my mind. And what triggers an equal wave of total disbelief is the fact that the Republican Party, the Republican Politicians, and those who pretend that they want to make America great again IGNORE this self-serving thug bragging about how the TROOPS mean absolutely nothing as compared to his millionaire and billionaire donors.


Every Media outlet should replay Bone Spur’s own words of loathing toward the American Military.