Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Now Taylor!!!??

 Trump Shares AI-Generated Taylor Swift Endorsement

Long story short, Trump thinks Swift is gorgeous, but she thinks he’s mean. (TIME)


In the chaos that has ensued this nation and its voters, and the ever-long, even more anxiety-riddled atmosphere, which seems to suffocate even the bravest of souls, there are a few moments where even the mindlessness and meandering machinations sprouted by Trump mystify my mind beyond my wildest imagination!


Remember when Taylor Swift and her “Swifties” were considered “LEFTISTS,” an actual danger to the survival of our children, and even worse, the corruption they could cause as agents of Communism? From Laura Ingraham to Megyn Kelly, who swore that Taylor Swift was somehow poisoning the minds of young people, to Trump himself, who first said he never heard of her, then later said she was no Kid Rock or Ted Nugent; Taylor Swift was considered Public Enemy Number One.


But in the WEIRD, the full-of-shit world in which Trump dwells, under gallons of Orange goo, Ronny Johnson drugs, and tons of ketchup bottles, suddenly it seems he forgot that Taylor Swift was evil, so instead had his MAGA Liars hoist an AI photo of Taylor Swift endorsing him! Dementia or desperation, Donnie?


Yeah I know this is not as important as his love of Putin or Jung-un, or his Project 2025, or his ambition to become a dictator, but SERIOUSLY, Demented Don, Taylor Swift!