Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Louise loser

 The Republicans and their do as I say and never as I do scheme has awoken once again in the sad state of Louisiana. 

Parents who oppose the display of the Ten Commandments in public classrooms in Louisiana should “just tell the child not to look,” Gov. Jeff Landry (R) said, as he outlined how his government intended to respond to a lawsuit against the state’s new requirement to post the Ten Commandments in every school classroom. (Washington Post)


The hypocritical Governor now states to parents if they don’t like the idea of the 10 Commandments in schools, then tell their kids not to look at them on the walls. Seriously Governor MAGA, douche, is that the same advice you give to the parents who insist on banning books in school classrooms and school libraries? Do you tell the homophobic parents, the bigoted parents, the racist parents not to look at the LGBT-themed books, the Black Lives books, the books about immigrants in schools? Are you as arrogant and dismissive in your response towards them as they DEMAND these books either be banned or burned? 


Is it a Republican Fascist Christian Nationalist virus to be a HYPOCRITE or just a choice made by hypocrites like you?