Saturday, August 10, 2024


 At O.C. event, JD Vance said divorces after unhappy, ‘even violent’ marriages ‘didn’t work out for the kids.’

Vance said Americans beginning to ‘shift spouses like they change their underwear’ led to ‘a lot of very, very real family dysfunction.’ (Los Angeles Times)


Now JD, whatever the fuck his last name or real first name is, has suddenly become a psychiatrist. He has added that degree to his already-created gynecologist and obstetrician. I will not stop venting about this phony-baloney and his self-imagined better than thou bull shit. 


Hey kids, watch Dad beat up on Mom. Hey kids, watch Mom berate Dad. Hey, kids grow up in a family where Mom and Dad don’t speak to one another or are constantly calling the police. Hey kids, you will, according to Dr. Vance, appreciate being victimized in your own home, experiencing hate, loathing, and violence, and growing up assuming that a real marriage is anything but love!