Thursday, August 1, 2024


 J.D. Vance has described the furor set off by Donald Trump’s comments on Kamala Harris’ racial identity as “hysterical” while blaming the media for “overreacting” in the hours since.

“The president doesn’t do scripted B.S. stuff,” Vance said. “He actually goes into hostile audiences, he answers tough questions, he pushes back against them, but he actually answers them, and how nice it is to have an American leader who’s not afraid to go into hostile places and actually answer some tough questions. (Daily Beast)


The amount of bull shit and utter nonsense spewed by JD whatever his real name is, is impressive. Aside from his Lord and Master TRUMP, JD (who am I) Vance, JD has demonstrated that no lie is too big, no con too challenging, and no truth should ever be spoken.


“…an American leader who’s not afraid to go into hostile places and actually answer some tough questions.”-JD Vance Is this dude brain dead? Does this jerk actually think that ALL of America is as stupid as the MAGA Fascists? Trump never answers questions directed to him, instead, he insults the Journalists for asking him questions he can’t answer. Hey JD, I know your mouth is all puckered from kissing Trump's anal opening, and I must wonder if the orange dye actually entered your brain, making you forget that in any debate, TRUMP defers, denies, and doesn’t answer. The only thing your Orange Daddy does is push back on the truth!