Monday, August 26, 2024

ANNIE, meow!

 Ann Coulter Deletes Heartless Gus Walz Tweet After Backlash (Daily Beast)A

Okay, Annie Douchebag Coulter, you achieved the exact thing you wanted to reclaim your 15 minutes of shame. You surface from the depths of depravity, hoping that the more gross and crass you become, somehow your place on Earth will be honored. GURL, you know how to insult and ridicule even more professionally than Trump; you know, the guy you said should never be President until he was elected and then told you to fuck off.


Hey JD Fuck Wad, is Annie one of those “Cat Ladies” that you label as an enemy of the US because she is too selfish to be a wife and, of course, not have kids? Is Annie Douchebag Coulter the kind of female who is a lousy example of women who are not married…except, of course, who in their right mind would even consider marrying pure EVIL?


Annie tries her best to audition for the TRUMP rude, crude, classless “LOVE ME TEAM,” but is utterly even more miserable than you, JD Fuckstain, and your Lord and Master TRUMP!


Hey JD, whatever the fuck, do you limit those for whom you call “Cat Ladies,” childless, marriageless men and women who are not any use for your Dystopian America…I mean, take a peek at Ms. Lindsey Graham, how about Stevie Bannon, and of course Annie (I will say shit so you will recognize me) Coulter!