Friday, August 9, 2024

Wondering, out loud

 Just some more “I kind of wonder” questions.

Weird, demented Don has been hiding in his worn-out and audacious palace Mar-a-Lago, for quite a while. Should we use the MAGA/Christian Fascist/FOX conspiracy theory propaganda and beg the question, is Demented Don not healthy enough to be out and about, and what is he hiding from? These same Republican enemies of the state had always been pointing fingers at Joe Biden when he was not out and about…so why not wonder why the psychopath TRUMP is hidden in his bunker at Mar-a-Lago?


Hmm, an assassination attempt on Trump, resulting in a tampon as a bandage, and that bandage suddenly not on the supposed nipped ear as weird Don plays golf. There was lots of hubris and hubbub the day of the attempted assassination, and as usual, fingers pointed to others, but SUDDENLY silence. Think about the past murders when assault weapons had been used. In about 24 to 48 hours, we had all of the officials involved providing the public with all kinds of information, from how many times the assailant used the bathroom to a plethora of motives for the murders.


Of course, the Director of The Secret Service was fired because I assume she was not a part of this con, and had she stayed on, she might have discovered the truth. In most cases involving demented Don, there are tons of PR and lots of noise sent out to the universe. But this time in which we, the people, were to be aware of the possibility of political violence, there is silence!