Thursday, August 22, 2024


 FINALLY. Finally, the Democrats are using the same jabs, the same sarcasm, and the same vile vitriol, which is the cornerstone of the emptiness and immature nature of Trump!


Donald Trump made his first outdoor appearance since last month’s assassination attempt Wednesday. But his personal safety was not on his mind as he took to the stage behind bulletproof glass—his hurt feelings were.

Specifically, the psychic wounds he felt after Michelle and Barack Obama, the former first lady and the former president, used their speeches to the Democratic National Convention to flame the 45th president as an ugly, misogynistic, racist liar—and mock his obsession with crowd sizes with what many took to be a d--k joke. Daily Beast)


Ugh, Yuck, OMG. Trump having zilch, zero, nada, not an iota of any introspective qualities, pretends that his INSULTS, his CRUDE behavior, and his DERROGATORY rhetoric are just fine, but like the coward he is and has been when those “names” are used to call him out is like “sticks and stones”, which do break ego bones.


That was what appeared to rile Trump most as he spoke in Asheboro, North Carolina. “Did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night? Taking little shots at your president. He was taking shots at your president, and so was Michelle,” Trump told a crowd of supporters towards the start of the speech.

At the end, Trump redirected his ire back to Obama: “Now, he was very nasty last night,” said Trump. “I try and be nice to people, you know, but it’s a little tough when they get personal.” (Daily Beast)


He loves to say he is YOUR PRESIDENT, as if like a Monarch he is the God to serve you. He now uses Barack’s middle name, Hussein, as if to once again propose that Obama is not American. And he lands upon the word NASTY, once again, acting oblivious to his own lifestyle and personality.


Keep it up Democrats, the Trump Tricks are working on WEIRD Donnie!FINALLY