Saturday, August 17, 2024

About folks like Miriam Adelson

 About Dr. Miriam Adelson. She somehow imagines that bribing Trump to become as pro-Israel as humanly possible makes the United States free from Anti-Semitism. You know the, kind of hate against Jews expressed by the many and the myriad of buddies Trump lunches or dines with. The ilk of Proud Boys, the clan of Oath Keepers, the Christian National Fascists like the Heritage Foundation, and of course, the goons of Neo-Nazis of America.


Miriam and her deceased hubby Sheldon, somehow, believe that living in their own Ivory Tower removes them from any domestic harm perpetrated and is actually not discouraged by Trump toward the Jews of America. The Adelson’s remind me of the many wealthy Jewish families of both Germany and Italy, who thought that their wealth made them less susceptible to being recognized as Jews.


Sheldon Adelson, the casino magnate who died in 2021, was the most generous single donor for Trump in 2016 — spending $20 million. But he didn’t cut checks until September of that year, and leveraged his support to demand that Trump announce the relocation of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem when he won. In a recent profile in New York magazine, Adelson suggested that she might want Trump to push for the annexation of the occupied West Bank if he wins a second term — described in the piece as “unfinished Israel business from Trump’s presidency.” (Forward)


She gave Mr. Trump a renewed assurance that the famous Adelson geyser of cash — which had shot out hundreds of millions of dollars over more than a decade — would erupt again. Dr. Adelson is more driven by whatever is happening in American and Israeli news. Her fervor for Mr. Trump, some of his allies say, actually exceeds her late husband’s: At one point, she suggested adding a “Book of Trump” to the Bible. (New York Times)


A an American who is Jewish, I am against the world view of Antisemitism toward Israel, but I am also ANGRY as fuck as to the arrogance of wealthy Jews like the Adelsons, who pretend the man they bribe and wish own, is one of the worst Anti-Semites living in the US