Saturday, August 3, 2024

They're here already

 -----Gov. DeSantis declares state of emergency as coming heavy rains might cause ‘major disaster’ (Miami Herald)

One might wonder if, in his declaration, this fool will realize that the words Climate Change have a whole lot to do with this incoming weather disaster. One might wonder if this fool will have a sudden change of heart and ask the Federal Government under the Biden Administration for millions of dollars in disaster relief!


-----San Ramon wonders what will happen after Chevron relocates to Houston. The departure of the city’s biggest employer could be a blow to its prestige and community. (San Francisco Chronicle)

One of the biggest threats to Climate and its changing nature, Chevron, instead of trying to clean up their decades of pollution and knowledge of their impact on Climate Change, instead of trying in earnest to make our environment better, prefers to move to one of the places in the world where Profits over People is part of its purpose, Texas. No pressure from that Banana Republic owned and operated by the Oil Cartel Politicians to keep our planet alive…none at all!


----A critical system of Atlantic Ocean currents could collapse as early as the 2030s, new research suggests (CNN)


As a kid in the 1950s, I remember watching Science Fiction Movies, all of which scared me. As terrified as I was, I could not stop watching them because USUALLY, in the end, the alien, the creature, the monster, the evil-doer was apprehended, and even though it was not a “fairy tale,” there was a “happily ever after.” This meant that as afraid as I had been, I could at least think that monsters could be destroyed. That was until I watched the 1956 original movie ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers.’ This movie did not end “happily ever after. Instead, it ended with even more ominous warnings, as the main character, the guy who witnessed it all and saw the truth, said.


Dr. Miles J. Bennell: Listen to me! Please listen! If you don't, if you won't, if you fail to understand, then the same incredible terror that's menacing me WILL STRIKE AT YOU! (

Dr. Miles J. Bennell: They're here already! You're next! You're next, You're next...! (