Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 There ain’t NOTHIN’ new regarding Hate within the history of the United States.

Racism had never entirely disappeared in the US. The lives of OTHERS of the so-called minority mattered little, and the quality of their lives would continue to be dictated and directed by a self-anointed religious and greedy elite.


Slavery Under Another Name: What Were the Black Codes?

On April 9, 1865, the long and bloody American Civil War finally came to an end. It had already been two years since President Abraham Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation, but after the Confederacy's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse, word slowly spread among the more than 4 million enslaved Black men, women and children that they were truly and officially free.

White plantation owners, however — in league with Southern lawmakers and Northern corporations — had other ideas. Starting with Mississippi and South Carolina, all-white state legislatures passed a series of laws called the Black Codes intent on re-enslaving African Americans by essentially criminalizing Blackness. (How Things Work)


NOW, IN AMERIKA 2024, states acting as independent nations are choosing the option of misogyny over freedom, and enacting their own kind of WOMEN CODE


Alabama is a test case for efforts to help women get abortions in states where it's legal.

More than two years after most abortions became illegal in Alabama, the West Alabama Women’s Center still fields at least five calls a day from women seeking to end a pregnancy.

The staff has to tell callers they no longer provide abortion services.

“And then when they’re told `No,’ they ask, `All right. Well, where do I get one?” Robin Marty, the center’s executive director, told USA TODAY. “And that’s when we can’t say anything.”

The center is afraid of triggering an investigation from Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, who has threatened to bring criminal conspiracy charges against organizations that help Alabamians get the procedure out of state.