Sunday, August 18, 2024


JD Vance’s attacks on Kamala Harris reached a bizarre new nadir on Sunday, comparing her to Jeffrey Epstein. “Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy, Shannon, it’s like giving Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy,” Vance said. “The American people are much smarter than that. They don’t buy the idea that Kamala Harris represents a fresh start.” (Daily Beast)


There is so much to begin with here! So much that to ponder its vastness is to try and wonder just how expansive the universe is. 


JD (whatever the fuck his name is) seems not to mind playing the douchebag eunuch shit licker for Trump, as he seemingly willingly speaks in such utter hypocrisy regarding the reality that, IN FACT, all he accuses others of doing had already been done by his Daddio Demented Don. Inflation grew and grew under The Orange Turd, Jeffrey Epstein, IN FACT, palled around with Putin’s BFF, and IN FACT, Kamala is a fresher start compared to the guy who believes he is brilliant because he can look at the sun during an eclipse.

If there had ever been a backbone and balls growing inside JD, “Call me Ishmael,” Trump removed both and inserted his puppeteer hands to make JD walk and talk. But even more saddening and pathetic, as I see it, is that JD “You can call me Ray, you can call me Jay, but doncha’ call me Ray Jay, is a willing participant in playing the numero uno fool. JD out PATHETICS, the likes of Cruz, Graham, Scott, and Haley, and Rubio in prioritizing his personal political future above any integrity, moral fiber, or humanity. And those folks were pretty good at being slimy as fuck!